LifestyleJohn Hedrick

Top 5 Ways to Spend the 2 Dollar Bill in Your Red Envelope

“Should I even take it out of the envelope?”

February 8, 2021

By: John Hedrick

It’s that special time of the year again but this time it’s Ox themed. Your grandparents are excited to cook for you but they refuse to give you more than $2 for Chinese New Year because your degree is in something other than STEM. Even worse, they give you a prehistoric bill with the crispiness of a cold McDonald’s Sprite instead of giving you two $1 bills. Here are the top 5 ways to spend the 2 dollar bill in your Hong Bao.

Leave it on your nightstand with the rest of the $2 bills

It’s not a graveyard, it’s a place for sentimental history and dust to gather. Or well, it’s just a graveyard.

Gift it to your nephew

You forgot his birthday again but that’s fine. This will suffice as a gift. All kids like money, even if it doesn’t look real.

Use them at Target because for some reason they’ll take it.

You tried the bodega and you tried the local bagel shop but they both said “I know fake money when I see it. I’d take a $30 bill before that piece of trash” so you went to Target. The teenager at the register doesn’t know that these actually exist and is too non-confrontational to say no to you. Anyways, congrats. You bought a bag of gummy bears and helped a high schooler lose their job.

Art of the Swap

If the 2 dollar bill is crisp, unfolded, and dated before 1976, you could exchange it for $4-$6! Then, keep swapping until you get something really worth some value, like an Overwatch Reaper (Wight Edition) Nerf Gun or a real gun or whatever really piques your interest. The possibilities are endless and it all starts with this unwanted piece of currency. 

Invest it

Those $2 could turn into $500 really quick on a little something on the foreign exchange. Would you and 5 of your closest friends be interested in a life changing, money making experience of a lifetime? It’s easy. You all report to me what you make and then you each get 5 people to report to you, and we all turn that $2 into a lot of money quick! This is 100% legal but please don’t tell your parents.