LifestyleJohn Hedrick

5 Minute Crafts! Use a Mask to Hide the DIY Nose Ring From Your Mom

“A hot needle and a tiny piece of cut fruit was enough to create the hole in her nose, truly making it a DIY experience.”

February 23, 2021

By: John Hedrick

19 year-old Esther Zhang has been exploring new avenues of self-expression with some colorful cloth face masks. She’s taken it upon herself to add a new flair: a new DIY nose ring.

“I really needed a way to change up my look completely but buying new clothes was too expensive, so I decided to get a nose ring. To double down on my bad luck, the mall is shut down, so I can’t go to Claire’s to get it done.” Zhang then removed her mask to show her new, oozing nose ring.

The new jewelry looked as though it required medical attention.

“It’s just an allergic reaction to the metal. The swelling should go down after a few days…Oh, how long has it been? Two months,” explained Zhang. 

According to Zhang, a hot needle and a tiny piece of cut fruit was enough to create the hole in her nose, truly making it a DIY experience. She assured it was safe since she followed a video tutorial from r/piercing.

When asked what her mother’s opinion was of the new self-enhancement, Zhang whispered. 

“No one knows about it thanks to my mask. Sure the mask has a few stains on it but my mom just thinks it’s make up.” 

Zhang’s mother doesn’t find masks worn in the house suspicious but rather cautious and well-mannered. Zhang then mentioned that she plans to get a tattoo just below the collar bone and in order to hide it, she will wear a bulletproof vest. Zhang said her mom just thinks she’s preparing for America’s burgeoning civil war, and also hate crimes against Chinese people. When asked if she should keep getting body modifications instead of actually preparing for battle, Zhang asserted. 

“I’ll be prepared for whatever turmoil lies ahead so long as I look cute first!”