Notes AppJulia Zhen

Why I Stopped Watching a Video About Crypto Because There Was an Ad

Yes, it was Progressive Insurance

By: Julia Zhen

August 31, 2021

I’m a genius who knows everything about the world, so to brush up on my knowledge of Crypto I decided to watch a Youtube video. To be clear, I know a lot about Crypto, okay? It’s basically just imaginary money, not too unlike Monopoly money. Obviously, it is worth way more than monopoly money! Also, Crypto isn’t even that hard to learn because it was a bunch of random guys that got together and made it up, like Boy Scouts or Catholicism, so it would be pretty easy for me to get a refresher since I previously got my master’s degree in Boy Scouts. 

Anyway, I clicked on the video and then an ad for Progressive Insurance played, and I immediately turned off the video.