
Dumbass Puts Wet Phone in Cooked Rice

But it was jasmine rice

October 6, 2022

By: Neel Bhakta

SAN DIEGO – Local authorities and bystanders are reportedly shocked and appalled after witnessing a complete dumbass place their wet phone into cooked rice.

“I was halfway through a nice pool day when some stupid kid told me there was a five dollar bill at the bottom of the pool. Money’s been tight recently so I dove in without thinking twice and long story short, my phone was drenched and unresponsive,” said Joshua Anderson. “I went home, immediately started boiling water and threw a handful of rice in the pot. Once that was cooked, I tossed my phone in and made sure to mix it up really nice so that the rice would soak up all the water from my phone,” said Anderson.

“I don’t think it worked though. The whole phone in rice trick is probably an urban myth, like the female orgasm. So, I went to the repair shop and they stuck some sort of weird wire into one of the holes and my phone turned on within five minutes! Sure it cost me $500, but I’m just glad this whole thing is over,” said an empty-headed Anderson.

At press time, Anderson was surprised at how salty his rice was from the pool watered phone.