NewsJohn Hedrick

Democrats Ask Constituents To Vote Out Unplanned Baby

“I am devastated by the Supreme Court’s decision… but also I am in need of $15”

June 28th, 2022

By: John Hedrick

Email from the DNC:

The news of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V. Wade has us LIVID. We will NOT stand for this attack on women and people with uteruses. NOW is the time to organize and fight back… THIS NOVEMBER. If you currently have an unplanned pregnancy, then it’s time to VOTE OUT THAT BABY. Vote out that baby the same way we’ll vote out the Supreme Court justices. If you need access to abortion care now, then rush us a $15 contribution. With these fifteen dollars, Nancy Pelosi will buy another pantsuit and we’ll get Joe Biden bike lessons. Please do NOT ask us to codify Roe v. Wade. We literally have no idea what that word means. Anyways, follow us on Twitter bestie!