
WTF: My White Coworker Suggested a Korean Restaurant That Was Actually Good?

It’s delicious and I’ve never heard of it? This is a hate crime.

June 27, 2021

By: Misha Han

When I first got the Microsoft Teams invite to grab dinner with Greg after work, I’m not afraid to admit, I rolled my eyes.

“I know a spot” is basically code for, “get ready to eat Asian food in a restaurant where the only chopsticks are in a white woman’s hair bun.”

If I had a dollar for every time a white coworker told me I “had to eat at this asian restaurant” and it sucked, I wouldn’t need a job and I definitely wouldn’t have white coworkers anymore.

I don’t trust white people to cook my rice, let alone choose where I’ll eat my rice. But, Greg is new, and I figured if the food was bad, at the very least I could Tweet about it.

When I walked in the restaurant, there was something different about the place. It was good – how could I have never heard of it. 

Midway through a bite of bibimbap I found myself admitting out loud “I’d bring my parents here, and I’m not just saying this to be nice cause we work together.”

Greg also didn’t bring up anime, K-pop, or Asa Akira the entire dinner. He did make me pay for the whole meal though.