Notes AppGrant Yang

Weird Ringing in Dream Sounds Just Like Phone Alarm

I mean everybody else hears that too right? 

June 14, 2021

By: Grant Yang

Just when your teeth start falling out during the surprise chemistry exam you didn’t study for, a strange ringing noise comes over your high school’s PA system. Your crush Jennifer turns to you and says, “Doesn’t that sound exactly like the iPhone Radar alarm you use to get up for work. Also, why are you naked?” Realizing you forgot your clothes at home, you shrug off the ringing noise as a coincidence and hurriedly cover yourself with notebooks as your classmates point and laugh. All of a sudden, you notice your lower body is wet with a strange-smelling liquid. “This weird dampness feels exactly like peeing the bed,” you think to yourself momentarily, “Good thing I’m awake.”