NewsJulia Zhen

Neoliberal Media Proliferating Anti-China Propaganda Shocked That AAPI Hate Crimes Exist

“Our writing is a part of the craft of journalism. Every writer has their own signature flair!”

April 11, 2021

By: Julia Zhen

NEW YORK – A popular left-leaning news publication has yet again released an anti-China headline to its massive reader-base. Rumor has it, they’re set to run an opinion piece later this afternoon psychoanalyzing the reason behind the increase in AAPI hate crimes in the last year. 

“How China Plans to Control Hong Kong’s Elections,” reads the front page of this distinguished news media outlet. Many Americans have intense feelings towards China as the rhetoric spewed by former President Trump was heavily sinophobic using terms like ‘China Virus’ and ‘Kung Flu.’ This recent headline antagonizing China’s control over Hong Kong’s election is only fueling the fire, and yet, many of those same Americans are idly standing by as laws are passed in Georgia that will suppress voters all over the state. 

“Here at the [redacted], we always try to tell the full-story. You can even get a deep-dive into some interesting topics daily. Obviously we understand the power that we yield in our reporting, which is why we’ve released a statement condemning all hate crimes against Asian Americans. It’s really awful what’s happening to those people,” said Jake* (names have been adjusted to protect their identity). Jake is a current staff member on the PR team. 

“When we condemn China for suppressing voters in Hong Kong, it’s because we know the world needs to hear this story. We glossed over the digital print reporting of the voter suppression laws passed in Georgia because our readers are looking for the exciting stuff, the spice of life. China – spicy, exciting, exotic! Georgia – oooo hot, not sure where it is, peach.” 

When questioned about whether their biased reporting may be even more reason to get Americans to look down on their Chinese-American counterparts, and frankly, other Asian Americans, they simply looked away. 

“Personally, I’m absolutely shocked and appalled that these hate crimes exist and have increased in the past year! I can’t believe America is letting this happen, but look, I’m doing this interview as a favor for you. This is a puff piece. Why are you even bothering me with this stuff? China is the bad guy, and the N** Y*** T**** has always reported that. Don’t shoot the messenger! They even displayed propaganda about Wuhan to highlight the heroism of its residents and healthcare workers,” he stammered. 

“Our writing is a part of the craft of journalism. Every writer has their own signature flair. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to start my marathon watch of all the Marvel movies. Next week we’re gonna watch Saving Private Ryan and Zero Dark Thirty as part of our Tribute to the Oscars Night. This one is for the troops.”