
Person Who Wants You to “Guess Their Ethnicity” Most Likely Wasian and Annoying

Is it obvious my ethnic ambiguity is the only thing I have going for me?

By: Sila Puhl

April 17, 2023

“Adrien Vu, half Polish, half Vietnamese, resets his dating profile every 3 months. The one thing that always stays the same? The prompt ‘try to guess this about me.’ His answer? ‘My ethnicity.’ He comments, ‘yeah I mean I put it there so people find me enigmatic but I actually think it’s weird when people try to guess, like, that’s my ethnicity we’re talking about…’” Vu is proud of his biracial identity and when people guess incorrectly he takes it not only as an affront to himself, but as a direct attack on Polish and Vietnamese culture.  “I can’t help it that I represent a bridge between two disparate worlds. I need my future girlfriend to understand the responsibility of that.” Being with Adrien Vu means more than just dating a guy, it means getting on board with the hub of cultural interconnectivity, interplay, and synergy. 

Sari Morrison, half Japanese, half Canadian, reveals that no one has ever guessed her ethnicity correctly. Morrison reveals that her ethnic ambiguity was a singular force in shaping her identity. “I want people to know me but I’m afraid of truly being known. I take great comfort in the shroud of mystery around my mixed identity. I love being a halfu.”  

When asked if people in their life find them insufferable, both Vu and Morrison remarked that everyone they’ve ever met should feel honored to know such cultural enrichment.