
Filipino Dad’s Solution to Depression Is to Just Pray

You know what’s cheaper than therapy? Making the sign of the cross. 

June 23, 2022

By: Josh Ri’Esgo

You know what’s cheaper than therapy? Making the sign of the cross. That’s right, fear not mentally ill Asian children, all your problems are about to disappear with the power of God. Prayer also cures Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. God gave you the mental illness as a challenge and all you have to do is tell him you beat it. Undefeated. God will take your depression away. Every time you feel sad just ask yourself “What Would Jesus Do?” Not be sad anymore? Duh! Listen to your parents and pray to that Lady of Guadalupe statue your mom bought at the Church. Turn that frown that shows years of thinking you’re a failure upside down. Amen!

Photo courtesy OmnisTerra