
Pac-Man Is Asian-Coded – Here’s Why

If you think this is true off the bat, you’re racist. If not, you’re still racist. 

October 19, 2021

By: Ian Yamamoto

Pac-Man, the video game character who eats dots and runs from ghosts is Asian if you think about it. Here are three reasons why:

Reason 1: Pac-Man starts life in the center of a board, which at first glance, gives him free will to choose what path he wants to take in life, but in reality, he’s trapped.

Pac-Man is stuck within the confines of his small world – a black square. Pac-Man really only has four paths in life he can take – up, right, down, or left, and he’s often forced to take a path because he’s being chased by spooky ghosts (ghosts are particularly spooky to Asians). These four (scary Asian number) ghosts frighten Pac-Man because they are the specters of family, tradition, work, and society. The fear of losing face in front of any of these ghosts is so strong, that Pac-Man will literally die. Die, but be reincarnated into this hellish world with his extra “lives”, cuz Pac-Man is Asian and trapped within the Karmic cycle.

Reason 2: Pac-Man eats indiscriminately, like all Asians. 

Pac-Man eats everything in his path, just like an Asian. Exactly what Pac-Man is eating is unclear. Perhaps it’s a single grain of rice, perhaps it’s a boba, perhaps it’s a freshly steamed fish’s eye. But what Pac-Man really wants to eat are cherries. Why cherries? Because Pac-Boy’s parents served him fresh fruit for dessert as Asian parents do, even though he thought it was super lame that all his White friends got cake and ice cream. As a grownup, Pac-Man appreciates that his parents taught him to enjoy fruit, and cherries now remind him of his nurturing family, who give him the temporary Kung-Fu strength he needs to fight the ghosts that haunt him.

Reason 3: Pac-Man has a hot Asian wife: Ms. Pac-Man

Ms. Pac-Man is Pac-Man’s attractive Asian wife who is much hotter than her Asian husband and White guys are really into her. She’s a foodie like all Asian women. To the untrained eye, it looks like Ms. Pac-Man is just eating dots, but if you look closely, you’ll see she’s grocery shopping, looking up recipes, cooking, looking at photos of food on Instagram, browsing online menus, reviewing restaurants on Yelp, and taking thousands of pictures of her dinner. 

Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man are a boring couple that have zero hobbies outside of their jobs and plan their lives around meals and travelling. If that isn’t Asian, I don’t know what is. They’re also yellow.

Article by Ian Yamamoto